Aldren Liebe

Aldren Liebe

Cidade/EstadoFlorianópolis / SC

Secret Sea Of Tears

Composição: Daniel Becker / Felipe Broering.
Youth, Your brightness and my dreams has all failed down Your crystal chalice has passed me around Broken and there's no a second chance Who can see it? When will return the angel who brings me here? (Your angel is dead and he will never come back) When the moment to give up will be left behind? (Remember lady, your Angel is dead) This time alone you can find All the suffering to hide again How many lifes shall I embrace your die? the soul who don't get tired to be wrong? The love Buried me in a secret sea of tears See your eyes in the mirror and bleed in your fears We are all broken no one can give us a chance Can we see it? How many tears we need to swallow, With bleeding eyes, give you my back What is the meaning to bleed? Is there a very meaning to bleed? In a second chance, tears will be locked in a tired face and is frozen for whisper of death Breath…Breath!!!




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