Din Rose

Din Rose

Cidade/EstadoFlorianópolis / SC

7 Years to Agree

Composição: Din Rose/Tommy.
Picture yourself inside the train at station You’re like someone who is astray And realize you’ve been asleep for 7 years You discover you can manage your life And you wake up I will challenge him To fall in love again You're on your own now Where do you want to live? A life by the ocean I dive into its depths And drop my anchor And it shall be mine (Solo) You are there without destination Think about what station Do you want to get off Do not be afraid... When I felt fear I learned to like it Scared or brave And you wake up All is inside you but you must seek Emotion and fear exist For you appreciate the courage On this night you need to wake up You need to remember How to adjust your clock by the moon (2x)




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