Imagem de capa de Kargyr




Composição: Pierre-Alexandre KOFRON.
My life is chronic I'm chronophobic Stuck in a bad loop No left turns Only fake choices Sometimes it seems to me That all the good times has been spent only the bad remains Sometimes I want to end myself End the bitterness Join the millions fallen Before me, why go on anyway The others will follow Dipshits, warlords, presidents And whatnot? Then I remember Those for whom I carry Here Distant glimmers of hope Distant memories Of sunbaths and parties All that For a slim chance Of reviving it Again and again More and more fame Fake news all the same I'm chronophobic Time takes a toll to us all Your desires mean nothing Lost souls stuck in Other dimensions Ephemeral discussions You can't relate I'm chronophobic Stop wanting to be self reliant you're just a fucking peace of meat You're a brain with legs And you flood it everynight Forget your inner void What sense anyway? You're a brain with legs And you flood it everynight Get chronophobic Or just kill yourself Frozen paradise Verdant meadows, welcoming Safe haven Do you deserve it? Well You're a brain with legs And you flood it everynight Forget your inner void All that for a slim chance Of reviving it Again and again Torture is the gain Get loose or be tamed Get chronophobic Time takes a toll to us all Designs are all in vain




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