Last Lover

Last Lover

Cidade/EstadoItajobi / SP

He's Gone

Composição: Salomax.
Many things in life happen the way we don’t want And it’s hard to understand, much hard to understand Such things are not taught in school All it’s so confused, nothing, nothing good He loved her mistakes And your love was like a flame And everything happened then “Take my love”, he said As she turned and walked away Without tears in her eyes, and now Now nothing is as it was before Things change and this time is you´re down and alone Without hands to hold on It's all over, live your life, he's gone Sometimes things change and we Don`t believe it's true And lose ground, the blow was too hard The world keeps turning, the sky returns to blue And the wounds heal, this story is real She didn't say goodbye, as he cried like a child Life is not a bed of roses “Take my love”, he said As she turned and walked away Without tears in her eyes, and now Now nothing is as it was before Things change and this time is you´re down and alone Without hands to hold on It's all over, live your life, he's gone To err is human and no one is free of it Sometimes we don't want to see how bad we can be Feelings are things that we should not play ‘Cause today we can laught , what also turn past And crying won't work “Take my love”, he said As she turned and walked away Without tears in her eyes, and now Now nothing is as it was before Things change and this time is you´re down and alone Without hands to hold on It's all over, live your life, he's gone Without hands to hold on It's all over, live your life, he's gone




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