Last Lover

Last Lover

Cidade/EstadoItajobi / SP

Let Me Live

Composição: Salomax.
I can touch the clouds of heaven when I think I can see a chance where only sees the need Why have guilt weighing on my back If forgiveness and freedom are under my control? Let me live, not knowing how tomorrow will be You can let me live I don't know what will be, but let me live How many things I've lost for not believe in me Maybe today could be living like a king How many times I lost my faith If all I needed was the courage And strength to move on Let me live, not knowing how tomorrow will be You can let me live I don't know what will be Let me live, not knowing how tomorrow will be You can let me live I don't know what will be, but let me live Let me live I am tired of this manipulation Killing my freedom to believe And to see Let me live, not knowing how tomorrow will be You can let me live I don't know what will be, but let me live




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